Skrip et al (2016) studied the effects of dietary antioxidants and exercise on the allocation of nutrients to eggs in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). We will focus on one aspect of their study, how the order of egg laying affected the mass of the eggs. Mating pairs of finches were allocated randomly to two diet groups (supplemented with high antioxidant food, no supplement) and two exercise groups (additional flight exercise, no additional exercise). The finches laid between one and nine eggs but few laid more than five and pairs that laid only one egg don’t provide enough information for fitting a regression between order and egg mass. So we will analyze egg mass as the response variable from pairs that laid between two and five eggs. The between-subjects component was a two factor (diet and exercise) crossed design with pairs as subjects, and egg order (within each pair) was the within-subjects factor.
A pair of Australian zebra finches. PotMart186, , via Wikimedia Commons.
Link to paper
First, load the required packages (afex, car, lattice, lme4, lmerTest, nlme, VCA, ez, emmeans, Rmisc, MuMIn)
Import skrip data file
skrip <- read.csv("../data/skrip.csv")
set contrasts using afex
setting contr.sum globally: options(contrasts=c('contr.sum', 'contr.poly'))
check individual regressions
xyplot(wmass~order|pair, groups=group, type=c("p","r"), auto.key=T, skrip)
list_skrip <- lmList(wmass~order|pair, skrip, na.action=na.omit)
Model: wmass ~ order | pair
Data: skrip
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
a 1.1207500 0.08654913 12.94929 1.308318e-16
b 0.9963171 0.08530375 11.67964 4.502662e-15
c 0.9457000 0.08654913 10.92674 4.047996e-14
d 1.2784300 0.07411624 17.24899 3.364372e-21
e 1.0951667 0.10794573 10.14553 4.270621e-13
f 1.1296500 0.08654913 13.05212 9.910952e-17
g 1.1619600 0.07411624 15.67753 1.265078e-19
h 1.2429500 0.08654913 14.36121 3.233641e-18
i 1.0043300 0.07411624 13.55074 2.626501e-17
j 1.2924600 0.07411624 17.43828 2.209927e-21
k 1.1215000 0.07411624 15.13164 4.738873e-19
l 1.0617000 0.07411624 14.32480 3.546833e-18
m 0.9854500 0.08654913 11.38602 1.051081e-14
n 0.9360900 0.07411624 12.63002 3.124596e-16
o 1.0614000 0.08654913 12.26356 8.622791e-16
p 0.9439400 0.07411624 12.73594 2.337511e-16
q 1.0535300 0.07411624 14.21456 4.696690e-18
r 1.0016300 0.07411624 13.51431 2.891131e-17
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
a -0.013050000 0.03271249 -0.3989301 6.918743e-01
b 0.008848571 0.02388983 0.3703907 7.128685e-01
c 0.010560000 0.03160327 0.3341426 7.398594e-01
d -0.013730000 0.02234689 -0.6144032 5.421131e-01
e 0.055050000 0.04996916 1.1016795 2.765911e-01
f 0.004920000 0.03160327 0.1556801 8.769972e-01
g 0.014480000 0.02234689 0.6479649 5.203747e-01
h -0.013040000 0.03160327 -0.4126155 6.818920e-01
i 0.030930000 0.02234689 1.3840853 1.733130e-01
j -0.017040000 0.02234689 -0.7625223 4.498170e-01
k 0.040600000 0.02234689 1.8168078 7.606196e-02
l 0.009220000 0.02234689 0.4125854 6.819139e-01
m -0.016890000 0.03160327 -0.5344383 5.957287e-01
n 0.089510000 0.02234689 4.0054794 2.349747e-04
o 0.005820000 0.03160327 0.1841581 8.547355e-01
p 0.123080000 0.02234689 5.5077020 1.775475e-06
q 0.094630000 0.02234689 4.2345941 1.148112e-04
r 0.049090000 0.02234689 2.1967264 3.335257e-02
Residual standard error: 0.07066707 on 44 degrees of freedom
some evidence of different slopes
skrip1.lmer <- lmer(wmass~diet*exercise*order+(order|pair), REML=FALSE, skrip, na.action=na.omit)
skrip2.lmer <- lmer(wmass~diet*exercise*order+(1|pair), REML=FALSE, skrip, na.action=na.omit)
ANOVA-like table for random-effects: Single term deletions
wmass ~ diet + exercise + order + (order | pair) + diet:exercise + diet:order + exercise:order + diet:exercise:order
npar logLik AIC LRT Df Pr(>Chisq)
<none> 12 81.191 -138.38
order in (order | pair) 10 79.831 -139.66 2.7195 2 0.2567
Data: skrip
skrip2.lmer: wmass ~ diet * exercise * order + (1 | pair)
skrip1.lmer: wmass ~ diet * exercise * order + (order | pair)
npar AIC BIC logLik deviance Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
skrip2.lmer 10 -139.66 -115.84 79.831 -159.66
skrip1.lmer 12 -138.38 -109.80 81.191 -162.38 2.7195 2 0.2567
No strong evidence for random slopes so use random intercepts.
skrip3.lmer <- lmer(wmass~diet*exercise*order+(1|pair), REML=TRUE, skrip, na.action=na.omit)
Check residual plot - OK
summary(skrip3.lmer, ddf="Kenward-Roger")
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Kenward-Roger's method ['lmerModLmerTest']
Formula: wmass ~ diet * exercise * order + (1 | pair)
Data: skrip
REML criterion at convergence: -103.2
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-4.1386 -0.4493 0.0028 0.4177 2.5362
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
pair (Intercept) 0.008465 0.09200
Residual 0.005614 0.07493
Number of obs: 80, groups: pair, 18
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.070290 0.029803 31.437992 35.912 < 2e-16 ***
diet1 0.062936 0.029803 31.437992 2.112 0.0428 *
exercise1 0.010650 0.029803 31.437992 0.357 0.7232
order 0.032613 0.006371 58.803754 5.119 3.55e-06 ***
diet1:exercise1 0.018304 0.029803 31.437992 0.614 0.5435
diet1:order -0.029235 0.006371 58.803754 -4.589 2.39e-05 ***
exercise1:order 0.014902 0.006371 58.803754 2.339 0.0228 *
diet1:exercise1:order -0.012184 0.006371 58.803754 -1.913 0.0607 .
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) diet1 exrcs1 order dt1:x1 dt1:rd exrc1:
diet1 -0.115
exercise1 0.115 -0.145
order -0.600 0.028 -0.028
diet1:xrcs1 -0.145 0.115 -0.115 0.084
diet1:order 0.028 -0.600 0.084 -0.009 -0.028
exercs1:rdr -0.028 0.084 -0.600 0.009 0.028 -0.137
dt1:xrcs1:r 0.084 -0.028 0.028 -0.137 -0.600 0.009 -0.009
anova(skrip3.lmer, ddf="Kenward-Roger")
Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Kenward-Roger's method
Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value Pr(>F)
diet 0.025037 0.025037 1 31.438 4.4594 0.04275 *
exercise 0.000717 0.000717 1 31.438 0.1277 0.72323
order 0.147133 0.147133 1 58.804 26.2061 3.548e-06 ***
diet:exercise 0.002118 0.002118 1 31.438 0.3772 0.54353
diet:order 0.118230 0.118230 1 58.804 21.0582 2.389e-05 ***
exercise:order 0.030718 0.030718 1 58.804 5.4712 0.02275 *
diet:exercise:order 0.020536 0.020536 1 58.804 3.6578 0.06068 .
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Get var comps with CIs <- confint.merMod(skrip3.lmer, oldNames=FALSE)
Computing profile confidence intervals ... <- (^2
2.5 % 97.5 %
sd_(Intercept)|pair 2.952456e-03 1.455114e-02
sigma 3.768687e-03 7.636959e-03
(Intercept) 1.031731e+00 1.265179e+00
diet1 7.192387e-05 1.381911e-02
exercise1 1.924024e-03 4.250565e-03
order 4.169228e-04 2.016701e-03
diet1:exercise1 1.318915e-03 5.293660e-03
diet1:order 1.732100e-03 2.929702e-04
exercise1:order 6.808788e-06 7.343093e-04
diet1:exercise1:order 5.905052e-04 4.097410e-08
skrip_stats <- summarySE(skrip,measurevar='wmass', groupvars= c('group','order'), na.rm=TRUE)
ggplot(skrip_stats, aes(x=order, y=wmass, fill=group, colour=group))+